HealthSouth Nittany Valley Rehab Hospital

Why did I receive a bill from Nittany Valley Medical Associates for my time at HealthSouth Nittany Valley?
Our physicians take care of patients at HealthSouth Nittany Valley from an internal medicine stand point. You will likely have a bill from us, HealthSouth Nittany Valley, and the Physical Medicine and Rehab physician that saw you during your time there. We bill separately from other physicians and HealthSouth. If you have a question regarding your bill please call 814-272-5805.

Who should I call with questions about my prescription?
If you need a refill on a prescription and/or it is 30 days past your discharge from HealthSouth you will need to call your primary care physician. If it’s within 30 days of your discharge and you are unsure of your prescription please call 814-359-5620.

Who should I call with questions about my care after I am discharged from HealthSouth?
After discharge your care is returned to your primary care physician and they should be your contact for questions regarding your care.